US Navy Unveils New High-Tech Ship Called USS Freedom That Can ...
The USS Freedom can go up against massive enemy fleets and is one of the fastest ships in the Navy to date. The USS Freedom can go up against massive enemy fleets and is one of the fastest ships in the Navy to date. The United States Navy unveiled a ...To be continued.
Navy's 'Corvett' Unveiled To Combat Piracy, Germany
The US Navy unveiled USS Freedom, a ship designed to stand up against massive enemy fleets, including fighting pirates. The USS Freedom can go up to 45 MPH which is the fastest in the Navy fleet. "It's more than an evolutionary step forward, ...To be continued.
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Offshore Insiders, GA
The USS Freedom is being introduced today as well. Will tomorrow USA Freedom commence? Tomorrow Congressmen Barney Frank will introduce legislation that he says will will enable Americans to bet online and put an end to an inappropriate interference ...To be continued.
USN Buys Another Of Them Funny Little Ships
Strategy Page - James Dunnigan
This came after the first ship of this design, the USS Freedom (LCS 1), completed its sea trials, and made its way from Lake Michigan, via a network of narrow locks, to the Atlantic ocean. The trip continued, via the Panama Canal, to San Diego, ...To be continued.
Nowy okręt do ścigania piratów
TVN24, Poland
USS Freedom ma ścigać Somalijczyków szybciej i bardziej agresywnie niż jego poprzednicy. Na nic zdała się obecność w Zatoce Adeńskiej kilku okrętów wojennych... czytaj więcej » Piraci mają szybkie łodzie i karabiny, marynarze na porywanych... czytaj ...To be continued.
Itt a csodafegyver a kalózok ellen
Blikk, Hungary
A USS Freedom sokkal gyorsabb, jobban manőverezhető és agresszívebb, min korábbi társai. Az USS Freedom „szabadság" névre hallgató hajót forradalminak tartják a szakemberek, amely egy generációs lépést jelent a katonai célú hajózásban. ...To be continued.

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