Cannonball Runner Dom deluise Dies
E! Online - Joal Ryan
Outside of film, deluise wrote cookbooks, lent his voice to several cartoon shows and, with his longtime wife, headed an acting clan, which includes sons David deluise (Wizards of Waverly Place) and Peter deluise (21 Jump Street). ...To be continued.
Frickin' Eh Movie News 05.06.09: Wolverine Edition, TX - Matthew Motiuk
He was the husband of actress Carol Arthur, and the father of actor, writer, director Peter DeLuise, and actors David DeLuise and Michael DeLuise. Well this is just depressing news. DeLuise was a true master, a comedic genius, and he lit up the screen ...To be continued.
Joseph Mallozzi's blog now at - Carrie Countryman
To prove his point, Joe included two brand new set photos in today's blog post: one of actor Justin Louis ("Colonel Everett Young") being directed by Peter DeLuise on the Destiny set, and a behind-the-scenes photo of actor Michael Shanks ("Daniel ...To be continued.
'17 Again': Zac to the past
Just like 21 Jump Street - Zac Efron is the Johnny Depp to Thomas Lennon's Peter DeLuise. Sort of. There are brief moments where 17 Again could have gone Back to the Future on us by having young Mike get involved with old Scarlett. ...To be continued.
Rinden homenaje póstumo en Hollywood al actor Dom DeLuise
El Financiero (México), Mexico
Le sobreviven su esposa la actriz Carol Arthur y tres hijos, el actor, escritor y director Peter DeLuise, el actor David DeLuise y Michael DeLuise. Otras películas en las que participó el comediante, quien nació en Nueva York el 1 de agosto de 1933, ...To be continued.
17 Again Review, TX - Jeremy Thomas
Efron might actually have something to his career if he can get some lessons and grow as an actor; right now he seems destined to take the path of Peter DeLuise as opposed to Johnny Depp. In the supporting roles, Leslie Mann is affable and game as ...To be continued.
Morreu o ator americano Dom Deluise
Peter DeLuise, 42 anos, estrelou vários programas de TV, incluindo 21 Jumpstreet, SeaQuest DSV e Stargate SG-1; Michael DeLuise, 38 anos, participou do seriado Gilmore Girl; e David DeLuise, 37 anos, com várias aparições em seriados de TV, ...To be continued.
Décès de Dom DeLuise, France
Peter DeLuise a servit comme réalisateur, scénariste et producteur sur Stargate SG-1 et Stargate Atlantis sur la plupart des épisodes. Son fils Michael a joué Marlowe/Colonel Danning dans l'episode "Wormhole X-Treme!" et David a joué le rôle de Pete ...To be continued.
Migennes Collector 2009 : Un week-end de rêve
Unification France, France
d'obscurs petits réalisateurs de série qui bossent aux Bridges Studios » … euh, si je me rappelle bien … un certain Peter Deluise, ainsi que N. John Smith et Martin Wood … Colin, rappelle à l'envie combien « la famille Stargate » sait prendre soin de ...To be continued.

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