Neti Pots and Sinus Rinses for Allergies
About - News & Issues, NY
... with a salt-water solution, helping to rid the nose of allergens and mucus. This may reduce the need for antibiotics in those people prone to sinus infections. Learn more about the use of Neti pots and sinus rinses for allergies and sinus problems.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Neti Pots
Mokena shop a healthy choice
Joliet Herald News, IL
They have the magnetic bracelets that help take away arthritis pain along with Neti Pots that help keep sinuses clean. They also carry a complete line of gluten-free foods. "There seems to be more and more people diagnosed with gluten allergies," ...To be continued.
Along With Hand Washing and Covering Up When Coughing, Add Nose ...
PR Newswire (press release), NY
Additionally, according to TNS Cymfony, the volume of chatter on social media sites related to nose washing and neti pots also increased, with some 76% of all posts regarding nasal washing this month having occurred in just the past 12 days. ...To be continued.
To Netty Pot or not Netty Pot that is the question
Elites TV, TX
Neti pots are traditionally made of metal, glass or ceramic. Some modern variants available from chemists are made of flexible plastic and can be condensed to exert additional pressure. If a bulb syringe is used instead, the user has complete control ...To be continued.
Attack your allergies, PA
BY DAVID BRUCE Bust out the Claritin and the neti pots, allergy season has arrived in full force. The sneezing, watery eyes and runny noses started a few weeks ago for those of us with tree allergies -- one of several types of seasonal allergies. ...To be continued.
Spring allergies nothing to sneeze at
Orange County Review, VA
And Neti pots, which rinse irritated nasal passages with a saline solution, are increasing in popularity as pollen levels rise, Helwig said. The stuffed-up, itchy-eyed, and miserable may stick with pills and sprays or opt for non-chemical relief. ...To be continued.

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