Woods says his niece loves being a Deacon
Winston-Salem Journal, NC - John Dell
Cheyenne Woods, a freshman on the golf team at Wake Forest, has had a solid season and helped the Deacons to the ACC title earlier this month. "She loves it," Woods said of Cheyenne's first year at Wake Forest. "They just won the ACC, so they're doing ...To be continued.
Tiger Woods' niece looks to lead on the links
Daily Contributor, Philippines
Cheyenne Woods – the 18-year-old niece of Tiger Woods – has inherited some of her family's golf genes and is already leaving her mark on the golfing world. Cheyenne, who bears a strong physical resemblance to her famous uncle, is a freshman at Wake ...To be continued.
Names In The News
SportsBusiness Daily (subscription), NC
Wake Forest golfer CHEYENNE WOODS, the niece of TIGER WOODS, was profiled on NBC's "Today" yesterday. Cheyenne Woods: "When I go to tournaments, there's always some kind of media there following Tiger Woods' niece. So I'm used to it. ...To be continued.
Women's game gets little attention
Globe and Mail, Canada
Finally, for the golf observer who needs a celebrity name to follow, why, there's Cheyenne Woods, and she can play. Tiger Woods is her uncle. The 18-year-old is a freshman at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC Tiger's father, Earl, ...To be continued.
Other teams catching up with Duke women's golf
Winston-Salem Journal, NC - John Dell
Dailey has one of her deepest teams in years and a lineup that includes Nannette Hill, Natalie Sheary and freshman Cheyenne Woods -- a niece of Tiger Woods. Wake Forest was the last team other than Duke to win the ACC title, in 1995. ...To be continued.
Cheyenne ma golf we krwi
Bankier, Poland
Bratanica Tigera Woodsa Cheyenne Woods w stylu gry wykazuje wiele podobieństw do lidera światowego rankingu. Ma mocny chwyt kija, płynny zamach, a nawet migdałowe oczy stryja i jego szeroki uśmiech, ale na renomę chce zapracować sama. ...To be continued.

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