Is Maria Verchenova the new (pretty) face of women's golf?
Chicago Sun-Times, United States
By Kyle Koster on May 14, 2009 3:26 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0) When's the last time you watched women's golf for any extended period of time that didn't include you falling asleep on the couch after watching the college basketball ...To be continued.
Exclusive: maria's favourite things, UK
And where the likes of Svetlana Khorkina, Yelena Isinbayeva and Maria Sharapova have already travelled, golf's Maria Verchenova hopes to follow. The 23-year-old from Moscow was introduced to golf by her father on a holiday to the Czech Republic and ...To be continued.
Friday Zeitgeist
National Post, Canada
In young Russian golfer Maria Verchenova, many male fans have found their latest pinup girl. (If you think I'm exaggerating, check out the Verchenova fan site, which describes her as "the most Beautiful Hot Sexy and Talented lady to ...To be continued.
Verchenova not playing to type, UK
With the likes of Maria Sharapova and Anna Kournikova hogging the sporting headlines in recent years, it would be easy to stereotype Maria Verchenova. But the 23-year-old is trying to make her own news by putting golf on the map in Russia. ...To be continued.
> The Magazine > In This Issue, UK
Joe Calzaghe's biggest bouts... Alan Smith relives the most dramatic league climax ever... Looking back with pride at the greatest rugby tour ever, and forward to this year's Lions Tests in South Africa... And golf's green goddess Maria Verchenova. ...To be continued.
Calendar girl eager to open minds after turning heads
The Herald, UK
"I have done some modelling, and so have other women professional golfers like Anna Rawson Australia and Maria Verchenova Russia, and Natalie Gulbis US does a great job in promoting herself. Tennis is visible because of the same thing and golf is going ...To be continued.
Maria Verchenova: Mỹ nhân sân golf
Tiền Phong Online, Vietnam
TP- Khi người hâm mộ thể thao thế giới còn chưa thôi tán tụng vẻ đẹp như thiên thần của bộ đôi Maria Sharapova và Maria Kirilenko, nước Nga lại giới thiệu thêm một Maria khác, đó là Maria Verchenova, cô gái 23 tuổi được tờ Times mô tả là nhà tiên phong ...To be continued.
Golfün Sharapovası
Hürhaber, Turkey
ABD"li kadın golfçüler Natalie Gulbis ve Anna Rawson'un tahtına Rus golfçü Maria Verchenova aday oldu. ABD"li kadın golfçüler Natalie Gulbis ve Anna Rawson tüm güzelliklerini bu spora adayarak, golfün en sansasyonel ve medyatik kadınları olarak ...To be continued.
Wenn das Fairway brennt, Austria
Maria Verchenova ist sehr stolz, sich als erste Russin auf der LET durchgesetzt zu haben. "Ich sehe mich gerne als Botschafterin meines Landes. Wir sind keine Golfnation, aber haben bereits im Tennis bewiesen, zu welchen Leistungen wir fähig sind. ...To be continued.
Mašínová na startu evropské sezony
Golfdigest, Czech Republic
Přijedou Dánka Iben Tinning, Gwladys Nocera z Francie, Angličanka Lisa Hall, bývalá svěřenkyně trenéra Jiřího Kromichala Němka Martina Eberl, Veronica Zorzi z Itálie nebo třeba Maria Verchenova z Ruska. Slovenka Zuzana Kamasová je náhradnicí (27. v ...To be continued.

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